A New Life, a New World-Part One

“LALALALALALALALALALALALALA!!!” That was Helen. Helen is a bit unusual for a 13-year-old. She has no parents, no siblings; her only companion was her close-to-dead cat, Mary. “Quack,” said Mary. Like her owner, Mary was unusual. Helen was creative, though. When she was a little girl, about 4 years old, she decided to always be happy. Everyday, she would have a new name, a new plan, and a new personality. Today, she was to be Helen, and she was to sing with her lovely cat, Mary. “LALALALALALALALALA!!!!” screeched Mary. “What about her neighbors?” you may be wondering. Well… Mary drove all her neighbors insane, so they all moved out of their houses… far, far away from Helen. “Quackkkkkkkk!!!!!!” screeched Mary, and fell dead asleep.

Helen was not having fun. “Helen make new plan. Helen be Lily now, Lily make smoothie for hair!” Translation: Helen is bored, she changed her name to Lily, and her new plan is to make smoothies to wash her hair. Hmm… sounds like fun…

“Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,” went the blender. “Stwabewwy and mango!” said Lily. Lily turned the blender off and removed the cap. She poured the drink all over her head and fell asleep.

When Lily awoke, she found the sun in her eyes. It was another day. “Another day, another life,” Lily said. “Lily be Noelle. Noelle go run around and have fun!” Noelle said. And so she ran. Ran like the wind… ran like no one ever ran before! “MOOOOOO!” said Mary. Nobody liked Noelle, but Noelle always found a way to keep herself happy and entertained. Noelle continued to run. Five minutes later, Noelle could run no more. She dragged herself to Mary and plopped to the floor.

Before she knew it, it was already nighttime. Noelle looked up at the stars. “Look, Mary. The stars are shining brightly tonight,” she said. “OH! AND LOOK AT THE MOON! It’s so bright…” Then, out of nowhere, Noelle saw a moving object. “Mary, what is that? Don’t tell me it’s another flying cow…” (Noelle and Mary used to watch the stars everyday, until Mary started acting weirdly) “Vroom…” said Mary.

Suddenly, Noelle knew what the moving object was. It was a shooting star! (Of course, we know that there are no such things as shooting stars, they’re really meteors, but Noelle thinks differently than us, doesn’t she?) “Hm…” said Noelle. “I wish… that the world would change, it would be wonderful to live in a new world; it would be wonderful to have a new life…”

And with that, she drifted off to sleep. Mary was confused. “Meow…” she said, and fell asleep.

The next morning, Noelle woke up feeling very energetic. Oh… she forgot to change her name. Hm… She shall be… Karen. Yes… Karen woke up feeling very energetic. Karen scratched her head and looked up at the sky. “I just love the morning air, don’t you, Mary?” No reply. “Mary??” No answer. “MARY!?!?!?!” Karen looked around wildly for her cat, but had no luck. Mary turned around and saw a house. She’s never seen this house before. Mary looked down to the floor. Then, she just realized she was wearing different clothes. “THIS IS ALL SO WEIRD!!!” she said. “CAN SOMEONE PLEASEEE TELL ME WHAT’S GOING ON?” Just then, there was a noise. It was a twig. Someone had snapped a twig… but who…? “Karen turned around and shook. “Wh-who’s there?” she asked. “Show yourself!”



I hope you’ve enjoyed part one! Stay tuned for part two… A New Life, A New World Part Two coming soon to a website near you!!!!!



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