Math 6H

Break Review Homework for Grade 6

Complete only 7 of 10 questions and Mini-Project

For all questions:

*Show all your work *Explain your steps and thinking with words * Check over your work

1. What is the smallest number that has five and nine as factors?

Page 86

2. Use each of the following words in a sentence with the numbers below (6 sentences):

factor, multiple, odd, even, prime, and composite

24, 12, 2, 11 Pages 80, 86, 33, 20, and 83

3. What is the 7th square number? How do you know? Page 169

4. Matt and David were placing numbers on a number line. Matt said, “My number is greater than yours.” David agreed but added, “My number has a greater absolute value than yours.” What could Matt and David’s numbers be? Page 88

5. ? x ? = 306

What might the missing factors be? How many different solutions can you find?

Page 82

6. Write the decimals in words and then write the decimals from least to greatest.

Pages 128 – 130

0.29 0.55 0.03 0.4 0.09 0.90 0.6 0.75

7. How can you …

change a percent to a fraction?

change a percent to a decimal?

change a decimal to a fraction?

change a decimal to a percent?

change a fraction to a decimal?

change a fraction to a percent?

Give a numerical example and a written explanation for each situation, and use drawings when you can. Pages 154 – 155

8. Write an algebraic expression to represent this phase.

Ten more than a number Pages 254 – 258

9. Solve 3 + 6 x (5 + 4) ÷ 3 – 7 using the order of operations Page 78

10. What is another way to write 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 ? Page 168

Mini Project –

Create a math study sheet (8 ½ by 11 sheet of paper):

Your math study sheet needs to cover one math topic. Include: title, definitions, step by step examples, and diagrams. Use math program tutorials as a guide.

Recommended: Using the Math Program review the following topics:

Course IV -> Fractions -> Essentials of Fractions

Course IV -> Fractions -> Equivalent Fractions

Course IV -> Fractions -> Adding Fractions

Course IV -> Fractions -> Subtracting Fractions

Course IV -> Fractions -> Multiplying Fractions

Course IV -> Fractions -> Dividing Fractions

Use the math program to review other topics in which your Acuity Math report identified as an area in need of improvement.

Submit evidence of watching and finishing a tutorial for extra credit. (Taking notes from a tutorial)


Using Destination Program

Go to

Click on Links in the Categories column on the right

Find Destination Math label and click on Version 4 link below it

Wait for the software to load.

Click on key on the lower right side labeled Simple Log In

Click on PS 226 and click OK

Select math 9 and John Doe and then click OK

My Tasks will load

Click on the globe Exploration

Launch one of the following

Mastering Skills & Concepts: Course III: Intermediate Mathematics (prerequisite)

Mastering Skills & Concepts: Course IV: Basic Mathematic

Mastering Skills & Concepts: Course V: Pre-Algebra

Destination Reading Course III

Destination Reading Course IV

Courses are also available in Spanish by scrolling to the bottom.

Fix Block up Problem

1. The first time the Destination Math window tries to open, you will see a message such as popup blocked.

2. Left click onto the information bar “Pop-up blocked. To see this pop-up….” (Under address bar), you will notice that you have several options.

3. The option that you need to click on is the second option “Always Allow Pop-ups from this site”.

4. You will be asked to confirm adding this server to your list of “trusted” servers with a dialog box. Click on “Yes” to allow Destination Math to display popups on your computer

5. You will have now successfully enabled pop-ups to run Destination Math.

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