Book Talk

[15:03 ladyhistory] so superstars -what can we say about the stories – any questions, comments?
[15:03 Ncredible36] hello
[15:03 TechKnight] N is here!
[15:03 superstar] Hi everyone
[15:03 ladyhistory] hello ncredible36
15:03 RUFFLES has joined the room
[15:03 RUFFLES] hello guys
[15:03 ladyhistory] hello ruffles
[15:03 Ncredible36] Beowulf was a very interesting read do you agree?
[15:03 RUFFLES] they said we meet at 3:00 o clock
[15:03 RUFFLES] I do agree
[15:03 superstar] I think there is another monster
[15:03 RUFFLES] not me
[15:03 RUFFLES] lol
[15:04 RUFFLES] there is 2 monsters
[15:04 ladyhistory] and why do you think that superstar?
[15:04 RUFFLES] first one is grendel is mother
[15:04 Ncredible36] what is the giants sword? describe it
[15:04 RUFFLES] Hmmmm…..
[15:05 ladyhistory] any one want to try that?
[15:05 Ncredible36] I hope everyone knows that when a poet or bard sings at any celebration it means something -does anyone know what?
[15:05 ladyhistory] need a hint?
[15:05 RUFFLES] umm I think I need a hint
[15:05 Superstar13] The sword is big
[15:05 Ncredible36] the underwater den housed the giants sword
[15:06 superstar] It said on pg 63 on line1273
[15:06 ladyhistory] ladies and gentlemen if we are unsure of what we read and need help understanding it – now is the time to ask.
15:06 Doggie has joined the room
[15:06 ladyhistory] hello doggie
[15:06 RUFFLES] oh
[15:06 Doggie] hi
[15:06 Doggie] me and min r here
[15:07 RUFFLES] what’s up doggie
[15:07 Ncredible36] what is line 1273?
[15:07 Doggie] good
[15:08 Superstar13] tore the fiend apart and forced his
[15:08 RUFFLES] the monster as god had meant him to do
[15:08 Doggie] the comfort and support he will need he killed
[15:08 Ncredible36] does anyone know what the poets song – story represent?
[15:08 Ncredible36] what is the giants sword?
[15:08 Doggie] fate
[15:08 superstar] no
[15:09 RUFFLES] umm
[15:09 RUFFLES] I think fate
[15:09 Ncredible36] well in a way but through the use of what literary device?
[15:09 ladyhistory] but fate in what way?
[15:10 superstar] As in God helping them
[15:10 Ncredible36] did everyone enjoy this portion of the reading? did
[15:10 Ncredible36] anyone want to read on
[15:10 RUFFLES] ya we did
[15:10 superstar] yes
[15:10 Superstar13] the giants is something that represent Beowulf
[15:10 Ncredible36] ?
[15:10 Ncredible36] ?
[15:10 Superstar13] I would love to keep on reading
[15:10 RUFFLES] I dont know
[15:11 RUFFLES] I am unsure
[15:11 Ncredible36] ?
[15:11 superstar] I really liked the part when Grendel’s arm was hanging on Herot
[15:11 Ncredible36] how did Beowulf slay the beast?
[15:11 Ncredible36] in the underground hall?
[15:12 ladyhistory] superstar13 what do you mean by the giants is something that represents Beowulf
[15:12 RUFFLES] I think yeah in the underground hall
[15:12 Superstar13] sorry I did something wrong on 15:10
[15:12 superstar] By using his bare hands
[15:12 Ncredible36] was anyone surprised to see an underground hall hidden under water
[15:12 RUFFLES] yes
[15:12 RUFFLES] I was
[15:12 Doggie] yes
[15:12 superstar] yes
[15:12 Ncredible36] how did the relationship between Unferth and Beowulf change?
[15:13 Ncredible36] and what did Unferth give Beowulf?
[15:13 RUFFLES] umm
[15:13 Superstar13] ladyhistory I mean that the giant sword represent Beowulf
[15:13 RUFFLES] I think Unferth gave Beowulf a giant sword
[15:14 Ncredible36] at the end of 23 what did Beowulf bring back with him?
[15:14 Ncredible36] how did the read end?
[15:14 superstar] I think so to
[15:14 Ncredible36] why did the Danes leave the bloody lake?
[15:14 RUFFLES] because Beowulf killed the monster
[15:14 Ncredible36] why did the Geats stay?
[15:14 RUFFLES] on the lake
[15:15 RUFFLES] I think
[15:15 Ncredible36] what did Finns wife represent in the story sung by the poet at the celebration?
[15:15 ladyhistory] pages n?
[15:15 RUFFLES] in what page?
[15:16 RUFFLES] what page
[15:16 superstar] what page
15:16 Superstar10 has joined the room
15:16 Superstar10 has joined the room
[15:16 ladyhistory] hello superstar0
[15:16 TechKnight] Hi SuperStar10
[15:16 ladyhistory] superstar10
[15:16 RUFFLES] hello superstar 10
[15:16 Superstar10] hello
[15:17 RUFFLES] star
[15:17 Ncredible36] 1068-1124
[15:17 Superstar13] Hi superstar 10
[15:17 Ncredible36] Finns wife
[15:17 Superstar10] Superstar13: Hi
[15:18 RUFFLES] I am looking at 1068
[15:18 ladyhistory] ok everyone pls look at pg 56 starting at line 1068
[15:18 Ncredible36] can anyone describe for me the last scene in 23?
[15:19 RUFFLES] he told them of finns people attacking
[15:19 ladyhistory] tell us about finn’s wife then look at ch 23 and describe the last scene
[15:19 RUFFLES] to them
[15:19 RUFFLES] he told them
[15:19 superstar] Beowulf was holding Grendel’s head by the hair
[15:19 Ncredible36] all our superstars are here
[15:19 Superstar13] yes
[15:19 Superstar10] yeah
[15:19 superstar] yes
[15:20 RUFFLES] and showing it to people
[15:20 Ncredible36] Finns wife seeks revenge for the death of her lord and son-can you identify her with any other characters from our read?
[15:20 RUFFLES] umm…
[15:20 RUFFLES] I am looking
[15:21 Ncredible36] does anyone have any questions about this read to help them better understand?
[15:21 Superstar13] on chapter 23 I did not understand that much?
[15:22 superstar] Is there another monster
[15:22 RUFFLES] same
[15:22 Ncredible36] does anyone have any questions about this read to help them better understand?
[15:22 RUFFLES] I think there is another monster
[15:22 RUFFLES] I think is a dragon
[15:22 superstar] No it can’t be
[15:22 RUFFLES] then what is it?
[15:23 superstar] I think it is Grendel’s mom
[15:23 RUFFLES] I meant after that
[15:23 Ncredible36] In 23 we have Beowulf in the underground hall
[15:23 Superstar13] where is the others is just us
[15:23 RUFFLES] after grendels monster
[15:23 RUFFLES] mother
[15:24 Ncredible36] In 23 we have Beowulf in the underground hall with grendels mother
[15:24 RUFFLES] almost last sentence of chapter 23i
[15:24 RUFFLES] saw it says the water is all clean
[15:24 RUFFLES] in the lake
[15:24 RUFFLES] because all the demons are dead
[15:24 superstar] Oh ok now I under stand it
[15:25 Ncredible36] fighting with grendels mother
[15:25 RUFFLES] ya
[15:25 RUFFLES] and all the blood went away
[15:25 superstar] so that’s the other monster
[15:25 Ncredible36] the only thing protecting Beowulf is
[15:25 Ncredible36] the chain mail shirt he is wearing
[15:25 RUFFLES] i think is his sword
[15:25 Superstar13] Can we read chapter 24
[15:26 Ncredible36] no normal sword can penetrate grendels mothers hide
[15:26 Ncredible36] no 13
[15:26 superstar] Yeah that what it said in the story
[15:26 RUFFLES] oh
[15:26 Ncredible36] so what does Beowulf find on the wall of the den
[15:26 ladyhistory] so how did he kill grendals mom or did he?
[15:27 Superstar13] I wish we could
[15:27 RUFFLES] wow a normal sword
[15:27 Ncredible36] a great big sword that no normal man can wield or carry
[15:27 RUFFLES] can defeat a monster
[15:27 Ncredible36] he rips it from the wall breaks it from its fetters(chains)
[15:27 RUFFLES] fetters?
[15:28 Ncredible36] and chops off the head of the great beast
[15:28 Superstar13] That is scared me
[15:28 superstar] Did Beowulf use that sword when he killed Grendel
[15:28 RUFFLES] chops it off and puts it in the hall?
[15:28 Ncredible36] he then looks for grendel and what does he do next?
[15:28 Ncredible36] can anyone tell me?
[15:28 RUFFLES] didn’t he kill grendel before
[15:28 RUFFLES] how can he look for him again
[15:29 Ncredible36] grendel was already dead
[15:29 RUFFLES] he putted his arms,claws,shoulder on the herot
[15:29 ladyhistory] no just injured him
[15:29 Ncredible36] he looked for the body
[15:29 RUFFLES] oh
[15:29 ladyhistory] and he died so what is he looking 4
[15:29 Ncredible36] grendel was dead
[15:29 RUFFLES] but you guys said he was dead when he ran out of blood
[15:29 superstar] ok so Grendel is not dead
[15:29 Ncredible36] he did die
[15:29 Ncredible36] his body was in the den
[15:29 ladyhistory] yes he is
[15:29 RUFFLES] den
[15:29 superstar] just injured
[15:29 RUFFLES] den?
[15:30 ladyhistory] nope dead
[15:30 RUFFLES] I got 2 questions how
[15:30 superstar] what is den
[15:30 RUFFLES] come N said he is dead
[15:30 RUFFLES] lady history said he is injured
[15:30 Ncredible36] and Beowulf wanted to replace his old trophy which was stolen by grendels mother
[15:30 Superstar10] I come back in 5 minutes
[15:30 Ncredible36] the trophy was the arm
[15:30 Superstar13] If I was in that sense I would be scared and I would add other thing to made it better
[15:30 RUFFLES] how did grendel steal his trophy
[15:30 RUFFLES] oh
[15:31 Ncredible36] so he went to the body to cut off his head
[15:31 Superstar13] yes
[15:31 RUFFLES] how come he stole back the arm and claw and shoulder
[15:31 Ncredible36] grendels mother stole her sons arm back
[15:31 RUFFLES] oh
15:31 TechKnight has joined the room
15:31 TechKnight has joined the room
[15:31 RUFFLES] so she stole it back
[15:31 RUFFLES] from the herot
[15:31 Superstar13] hi TechKnight
[15:32 RUFFLES] and Beowulf cut off grendels head
[15:32 RUFFLES] and replaced his arm and shoulder and claws
[15:32 ladyhistory] ok everybody listen – when grendel first attacked, beowulf ripped his arm off, then he hung the arm which was the trophy. grendal was injured went back to the underwater den and lost all his blood and died near his mom. Grendals mom becomes very angry and out of revenge goes back to Herot and kills again and takes back Grendals arm. Beowulf goes to kill her and and takes back the trophy – everybods ok now?
[15:32 Ncredible36] so when beowulf cut the head off the dead grendels body the blood that poured out of grendels
[15:32 RUFFLES] and putted in the herot?
[15:32 Ncredible36] melted the sword only leaving the hilt which is the base of it or handle
15:33 TechKnight has joined the room
[15:34 superstar] I understand much more better now
[15:34 Superstar10] TechKnight: hi
[15:34 RUFFLES]
[15:34 Ncredible36] ok guys we will leave a copy of this post up to help guide your reading
[15:35 Ncredible36] go back and reread the story where it was unclear and create better notes
[15:35 ladyhistory] are there any other questions that you may have
[15:35 Ncredible36] be prepared to discuss tomorrow
[15:35 ladyhistory] and it will be posted on our site
[15:35 RUFFLES] nope
[15:35 superstar] No
[15:35 Superstar13] no
[15:35 RUFFLES] I understand
15:35 Starman has joined the room
[15:35 Superstar10] TechKnight: no
[15:35 RUFFLES] much clearer
[15:35 RUFFLES] now
[15:36 RUFFLES] lets find some alliterations
[15:36 Ncredible36] I hope this was helpful
[15:36 Ncredible36] have a nice day see you tomorrow unless there are any more questions
[15:36 Superstar13] I have to go see you on Monday
[15:36 Ncredible36] bye
[15:36 ladyhistory] bye superstar13
[15:36 superstar] bye
[15:36 RUFFLES] is this over?
[15:36 TechKnight] Bye Everyone
[15:36 Superstar10] Superstar13: bye
15:37 Starman has joined the room
[15:37 RUFFLES]
[15:37 ladyhistory] unless there are any other questions, yes this is over
[15:37 superstar] how
[15:37 ladyhistory] k n
[15:37 Starman] ladyhistory: andrew has joined the room
[15:38 superstar] ok bye everyone
[15:39 ladyhistory] Starman – hello
[15:40 ladyhistory] we are just wrapping up the discussion about 7th grade reading – du have any questions about your story
[15:40 ladyhistory] yes TechKnight
[15:40 Ncredible36]
[15:40 Starman] ladyhistory: yes but I had trouble signing in it said i was not a member
[15:40 ladyhistory] I think so at least – am nor sure – n?
[15:41 Ncredible36] thats ok bed can we help you in any way?
[15:41 ladyhistory] Starman, did u use your packet that was given prior to vacation? it had you screenname and password – any questions about what you read
[15:42 ladyhistory] Starman, was everything ok with the read?
[15:42 Starman] ladyhistory: no I have no questions my mom helped I did get my packet and I did not use it
[15:42 ladyhistory] that ok Starman – did u enjoy the chapters
[15:43 Starman] ladyhistory: yes I did enjoy he chapters
[15:43 Ncredible36] how did you feel knowing the witch was scared?
[15:43 ladyhistory] have u seen the movie?
[15:44 Starman] ladyhistory: I liked when the tin woodsman cut off the wolves head
[15:44 ladyhistory] that was interesting and different from the movie – what else did you enjojy – Starman
15:45 Superstar10 has joined the room
[15:45 Ncredible36] well the movie ends at about this scene yet the book has many more things left to explore
[15:45 Ncredible36] I hope you are being a good detective
[15:46 Starman] ladyhistory: I liked when the scarecrow twisted the crows head off
[15:47 ladyhistory] that was interesting as well, what did u think about the forms or OZ?
[15:47 Ncredible36] they all represent something or someone
[15:48 Starman] ladyhistory: I liked the fierce fire oz
[15:48 ladyhistory] any idea Starman
[15:49 Starman] ladyhistory: idea about what
[15:49 ladyhistory] what do you think the fierce fire could be?
[15:50 Starman] ladyhistory: I dont know
[15:52 Starman] ladyhistory: are you there
[15:52 ladyhistory] Thank you to all participants – that chat is done for now
[15:53 Starman] ladyhistory: see you tomorrow
[15:54 TechKnight] Bye Everyone, Thanks for Coming

One thought on “Book Talk

  1. You guys were all talking about the chapters that we read over the weekend and what we felt about it. I wasn’t there so as I see it there was a lot of fun going on and a lot of discussion about the book.

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