Monster Files #1: The Gillman

Ah, the monster that comes from the black lagoon. MY Favorite Universal Monster, played by two actors. Ben Chapman on land and Ricou Browing as in the water. Behold! The ultimate Gillman!

The Gillman is an awesome monster who is one of the first merman I have ever heard of. He was one of the last universal monsters ( unless you count The Blob.) and when they filmed this movie, Ricou had to hold his breathe for 4 minutes, and then it was Ben’s turn. As this creature  was so popular, He later appeared in the movie ” Monster Squad.” There will be a 2009 remake of ” The Creature from the Black Lagoon.” but, I do not think it will be as good as the original creature. Also, the creature appeared in the classic TV show ” The Munsters.” as Uncle Gilbert. This creature is so amazing.  Well, My first grade.

Report Card Grade: A++

First grade was great! The next Monster to review: The Beast of 20,000 Fantoms!

Santa’s On A Budget!!?



          Due to the economy parents have been telling their little ones that Santa can’t be giving them as many presents this year. What they don’t know is that it’s really their parents that can’t afford as many this year. With this economy parents are not making as much money, getting anymore raises, or getting any bonus’ this Christmas. Prices are going up on many food items but surprisingly gas prices are getting lower by the day. How do we tell our children about this situation? Hopefully this situation will be fixed by the time our new president comes into office.

                                                                             – The Answermaster

Daily Skateboard Design From A-Z

Today’s letter is “A”, the skateboard decks that come to mind are; “Alien Workshop” and “Antihero”

Anti Hero,

Alien Work,

Both of these companies are good, but I prefer Alien Workshop.

This one on top is an alien workshop deck.

This one on top is an anti hero deck. The alien workshop always has a better design, but anti-hero is a lot stronger, and breaks less easier.

Up Coming Tests.

There are up coming test. Some of the test are the midterms and the ELA test. The midterms for the 6th, 7th and 8th graders are January 27th to January 30th. Then the ELA test will start on the 21st to the 23nd of January. For the 6th graders the test will be on the 21st to the 23rd. Then for the 7th and

Into Another Dimension

Super Penguin was taking a cruise trip. He thought taking time off from baseball will relax Super Penguin. His time on the boat was quite boring. He missed his baseball friends, he wondered how they were doing without him, and he missed fighting villians. One day, Super Penguin went out on the dock. There was lighting and rain but he didn’t care. When he was walking off the dock, he saw someone moving. It wasn’t no ordinary person. It had long ears, wings, and had a weird voice. Super Penguin was walking to the place where the creature was. He was surprised about what he saw. Not only did he see the creature, but he saw 3 other people. All three creatures were ugly. They were green. They were holding a bag with a body in it. There was a portal that opened. They went in and Super Penguin ran and went into the portal. When Super Penguin dropped in the portal world, It was nothing like home. There were brown creatures all over the place. They were fighting and some were eating. One of them went for Super Penguin. Super Penguin kicked the creature so hard he went flying out of the dimension. All the other creatures were scared of Super Penguin. “Where am I?” said Super Penguin “You are in Vestroia.” “This is the Earth Domen” “We are full of different types of monsters. “There’s Wind, Fire, Water, Dark, Earth and Light.” Each six types are seperated into six groups.” ” They each have their own dimensions.” said the creature ” Your saying I CAN’T GET OUT OF HERE!” said Super Penguin. ” Not exactly, I mean there’s one way.” ” You have to defeat the master of Vestroia, Dragmon.” ” You will find him in the Fire Dimension.” said the creature ” Okay, so when do I go.” said Super Penguin. “Now” “But if you want to prepare for the battle you can go to different dimensions.” said the creature “How long would it take for me to beat him?” said Super Penguin. “At least 3 days as long as your ready to face him now.” said the creature “WHAT, your saying I have to wait three days!” said Super Penguin “For the second time, you can face him now.” said the creature. “Ok and when I do I’m going back to my world” said Super Penguin “Ok” said the creature. Super Penguin went flying out of the dimension into the fire dimension. He went out of control that he hit Dragmon. “Who was that!” said Dragmon “It was me!” said Super Penguin. “I’m here to battle you!” said Super Penguin. “Ok lets see what your made of!” said Dragmon. Super Penguin went storming at Dragmon but Dragmon blocked it. Super Penguin blew glaciers out of his mouth right at Dragmon. Dragmon just blew fire and it melted it. Super Penguin then thought, water beats fire. Super Penguin did Hydro Pump. He blasted water out of his mouth at Dragmon. Dragmon blew fire but the water went right threw it. Then, it hit Dragmon. “I’m melting!” said Dragmon. “Help!” then Dragmon melted and Super Penguin returned to his world. “Wow I’m back and it’s the end of the story.” said Super Penguin